About me:
With Adam Chacksfield, PhD.
With Gina Sala.
Hired as a Medical Intuitive for Institute of Noetic Sciences research project on advanced perception and energy medicine.
• Present - 2010 -- Naturopathic Physician and owner of my own practice
specializing in energy medicine, counseling and craniosacral therapy in Lake Forest Park, WA. I love my work and am so grateful that this is what I get to do every day.
• July- August 2021--Hired as a Medical Intuitive for a research project by Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONs) on advanced perception and energy medicine. I predicted, observed and recorded intuitive medical findings on 40-participants with health challenges before, during and after they received reiki treatments.
• From 2003 - 2010 -- I worked as a Naturopathic Physician at The Monroe Naturopathic Medical Clinic.
• Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University
Licensed Naturopathic Physician in the State of WA
with 5-years of medical school and clinical training post Bachelor's degree.
• Bachelors of Science, Boston University
With a Minor in Art History
Mentorships, advanced classes and events
• Three-year mentorship with Char Sundust, who generously shared from Lakota-Sioux traditions—interweaved with that of her Apache, Mexican, English, Irish, and German ancestors. She helped me connect with the earth, my heart and to bring a spiritual component into my work.
• Advanced study in craniosacral therapy with Nancy Soliven, DC, MD. Advanced brain-craniosacral class with Ursula Popp. Lymphatic drainage with Beverly Cook, LMT through Upledger Institute. Visceral manipulation with Dan Bensky, DO.
• Advanced study in Constitutional Case Taking with Lou Klein.
• Mentorship with Marie Manuchehri, RN, energy-intuitive.
• Workshops and study with John Douglas, CMA International Foundation.
• Three-year mutual-awakening spiritual practice with Patricia Albere, author of “Evolutionary Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening”.
• Host heart-centered, we-consciousness Seattle events with Adam Chacksfield, PhD.
• Pepper Lewis, earth-based Wisdom Rising course
• Independent mentorship with transformational healer Michele Louie.
• Daniel Foor Ph.D., Practical Animism course.
• Appreciation to Matilda for the Native American drum circles I have been honored to join.
• Four-years of sound school with Gina Sala where chanting in Sanskrit and ancient languages brings forward the power of voice and vibrational healing.
• Co-lead subtle activism group to support environmental healing with
• I have two children 16- and 18-years old. One of whom is neuro-diverse and has sensory-integration issues. This has helped me grow as a parent and continue to try my best to love unconditionally.
• I love art and taught through the art docent program at my kids' schools for six years.
• A member of the Race and Equ*ty Committee at Kellogg Middle School in Shoreline, WA, for three years.
• Spending time in nature and supporting the environment are important parts of my personal work. I'm committed to making a difference through using healing techniques and energy medicine to help listen, clean, honor and protect the earth.